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  • Writer's picturecaylazukiswajack

A Day in Southampton

Just like my own coastal home town of Port Elizabeth, I can imagine that most people might misconstrue Southampton as lifeless and mundane in comparison to rest of the country's vibrant cities. I almost fell into that thought category, but somehow found our day in Southampton to be one of the best days.

I believe that going to Southampton for the day provided guidance that was of personal value for me. The Abe Bailey tour met with a professor from Solent University, who greeted us at the train station and organised warm beverages. I made the most out of the Christmas menu by ordering a delicious gingerbread latte.

We walked to Solent University, and the professor took us around the campus and gave a presentation on education. I received a poem from her presentation by Jennifer Freed called Philosophy 183a: Existence. It reminded me about the beautiful educational process I experienced while learning for my degree in Politics, Philosophy and Economics, and how freeing the journey really felt. It spoke to the theme of questioning the knowledge we take for granted, and how sometimes education should begin with us un-learning, and ultimately it is that doubt and uncertainty that opens us up to depths of knowledge. I related to having the freedom of being taken to an unknown path that must be walked by oneself.

I admired the professor because of her authenticity. In comparison to the atmosphere at the more prestigious tertiary institutions that we went to, I found her to be unpretentious and genuine. Although an academic wearing the typical 'professor-style' tweed jacket, it was clear that she saw no need to be pompous and hold a grandiose superiority as I had found in the higher-ranking institutions. She is a relatable person with a passion for higher education and equipping the youth with sufficient skills for the working world. It was upon my realisation of her ingenuity, that I also saw Southampton for its own.  

Many of the people I was on tour with were allured by prominent people we met who were part of the exclusive and glamorous fellowships and organisations, but throughout our time in the UK, I was most taken aback by a woman who lectures at a less prestigious university, in a windy coastal town. 

As the day continued, I wished that time could slow down for just a few more minutes because it was the most free I had felt in a long time.

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